
利用:招聘会, 研讨会, 尼塔尼狮子职业网络, 校园面试, 以及职业咨询.


  • 确定你的兴趣、价值观和能力 个人职业咨询
  • 反思你的教育、经历和个人特质
  • 确定你能为雇主提供什么
  • Consider your personal preferences (geographic location, employer size, work environment)



  • 确定你需要采取的步骤和你需要的资源
  • 为你的求职计划制定一个时间表
  • 利用职业服务中心和你所在学院的资源
  • 跟踪你的进步和你与雇主的互动
  • Remember adversity is part of job search, so maintain a positive frame of mind 和 be persistent


Your resume 和 cover letter are often the first impression you make as a professional or potential graduate student.


A job search involves more than one strategy to communicate with prospective employers. 一些行业更喜欢使用某些策略. Review all of the strategies to determine which works best for your field. No matter your interest, networking remains one of the top strategies. As you engage in the various job search strategies, consider working with an 个人职业咨询师 作为你的求职指导.



  • 决定你想要什么类型的信息
  • 列出要问的问题
  • 调查这个行业和具体的雇主
  • 与该领域的专业人士进行信息访谈
  • 发送感谢信,感谢他们的时间和信息
  • Develop a contacts file to keep track of the information shared 和 for follow-up


LionLink is a networking program designed to help 免费mg不朽情缘试玩 students make professional connections 和 gain useful information to assist with career decisions 和 job searches. 尼塔尼狮子职业网络(NLCN) 是连接学生和雇主的主要在线资源吗.


人才招聘会往往会 give you the opportunity to meet with recruiters in person to explore opportunities 和 to build networking contacts. 


A targeted search involves identifying key criteria you seek in your future position 和 using resources to compile a list of specific employers who meet those criteria. To develop a targeted list, consider your answers to these questions:

  • What type of employer, job function, or industry are you interested in?
  • 你希望在哪个地理区域工作?

There are various resources to assist you with developing a targeted list of employers, including:

  • 胡佛的 is one of the most respected sites for researching companies, people, 和 industries. 通过大学图书馆的数据库进入胡佛图书馆.
  • Career搜索 is an online database with more than 10 million contacts 和 4 million employers from every major section of the business, 学术及非牟利行业. 搜索es can be conducted using a variety of factors including industry, 地理区域, 城市, 等. To access this resource, stop by 职业服务 和 speak to the 职业服务 Coordinator.


The internet is useful in obtaining information related to your job search: job postings, 雇主数据, 工资统计, 就业和劳动力趋势, 还有更多. Knowing which sites are most useful 和 how to identify high quality information, 能帮你明智地利用时间吗. 尽管互联网可能有助于发现机会, 不建议您单独依赖此策略.


Most fields have one or more professional associations that represent their career area. 这些网站面向的是实践专业人士, 但许多学校也为对该学科感兴趣的学生开设了一个领域. Professional association sites are useful in learning about the profession 和 identifying employment opportunities in the field. To learn about the associations related to your career field, search online.


Each state has a 政府-sponsored employment agency to assist residents in finding employment.  In addition, there are private agencies that offer short- 和 long-term employment opportunities. Be sure to research each agency to underst和 potential fees 和 policies for involvement with the agency.


当收到书面工作邀请时, 仔细阅读招聘启事,确保你了解其中的细节. 报价的各个方面可以根据行业进行谈判.  与人合作 个人职业咨询师 确定谈判是否合适.


  • 对职位类型、雇主和行业感兴趣
  • 价值观(帮助他人,工作与生活的平衡,薪水等).)
  • 地理位置
  • 其他因素


  • 公司提供什么职位?
  • How does the offer reflect the work you want to do 和 the type of organization you want to work with?
  • 工资的标准和时间表是怎样的?
  • How does the rate of pay 和 your expected budget compare with the cost of living?
  • How does the offer compare with research you have conducted to learn about typical salaries for people with your 教育 和 experience?
  • 雇佣开始日期是什么时候?
  • 什么样的福利和保险(健康, 养老金, 教育, 其他)是否可用,成本是多少?
  • 假期和休假时间是多少?
  • 雇主希望你什么时候做出决定?

If you have questions about any aspect of the offer, ask your contact within the organization. 雇主必须遵守道德标准,并应:

  • 提供有关其组织的准确信息, 职位, 职业发展机会, 和福利
  • Provide c和idates with a reasonable amount of time to make a decision about the offer
  • 提供公平和公平的援助, 由于环境变化,雇主必须撤销工作邀请



  • 工资
  • Compensation 和福利 (healthcare, signing bonus, relocation, 401K 和 retirement)


  • 根据你的价值观来决定你愿意接受什么, 技能, 和 experiences; industry market; geographic areas; 和 other factors
  • 发展你的方法
  • 坚定而得体
  • 检查风险
  • 向他人寻求建议 职业咨询


  • 把你的最终报价写下来
  • 以书面形式接受或拒绝你的提议


One of the most difficult aspects of evaluating offers is that all offers may not be received at the same time.  当你准备面试时, make sure that you develop questions about the position 和 organization which will help you to evaluate whether you want to accept this position if an offer is extended to you. As you receive an offer, you may have interviews scheduled with other organizations. It is appropriate to ask for additional time to consider an offer while interviewing with additional organizations. 


  • Withdraw from the recruiting process 和 let employers know you are no longer available
  • 取消所有面试
  • 如果报名参加校内面试,请通知就业服务中心

If there are extenuating circumstances that require you to withdraw an offer, 和职业顾问谈谈 关于后果和处理这种情况的方法.


阅读完整的免责声明 which describes the shared responsibility among 免费mg不朽情缘试玩 职业服务 (including University Park 和 Commonwealth Campus career offices) 和 internship/job seekers in researching 和 identifying potential concerns about the legitimacy of employers 和 their respective postings.