新肯辛顿 student team wins statewide radiologic technology competition

Mylinda斯科特 和索尼娅·塞尔瓦拉杰 place first at 2024 宾西法尼亚 Society of Radiological Technologists Techni-bowl

Mylinda斯科特, 图左, 和索尼娅·塞尔瓦拉杰, 正确的, hold the 宾西法尼亚 Society of Radiologic Technologists Techni-bowl Cup. 两人, who are both second-year 放射科学 students at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校, 赢得了在哈里斯堡举行的2024年技术碗比赛, Pa. 3月. 虽然校园里的其他球队过去也有过比赛, 斯科特 and Selvaraj comprise the first team to ever place first in the event, 从2010年开始. 


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — A 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 放射科学 student team took the win in the 2024 宾夕法尼亚放射技师协会 技术碗比赛于三月举行. Mylinda斯科特 和索尼娅·塞尔瓦拉杰, both second year students in the campus’ 两年制放射科学课程, 举起了比赛的第一名“技术碗杯”, which coincided with the PSRT annual conference and business meeting held in Harrisburg. 

“我非常自豪地说,这是我第一次这么说, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿队在年度比赛中获得第一名 Techni-bowl竞争,Marica Curler说, assistant teaching professor and program coordinator of 放射科学 at the 新肯辛顿 campus. 去年,一个校园团队在比赛中获得了第三名.  

今年的比赛, 从2010年开始 with the aim of promoting “student enthusiasm and demonstrating knowledge of the study of radiologic technology,” consisted of 13 teams of two students each from seven educational institutions with accredited radiological technology programs. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校进入两队, 每所院校允许的最大队伍人数, 包括斯科特和塞尔瓦拉杰二人组. Teams were presented with 30 multiple-choice questions and given 10 seconds to answer each one. The questions follow American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) categories and content.  

“竞争节奏很快, 这绝对让我们心跳加速,塞尔瓦拉杰说, 原产于艾尔米塔日, 宾西法尼亚, and who also took third place in the PSRT poster and research competition. “这需要大量的团队讨论和批判性思维, 但我们成功地回答了30道题中的28道.” 

斯科特, 谁是州立大学毕业的, 宾西法尼亚, 添加, “The hard work and studying in our program the past year and a half were helpful. Sonya和我也在比赛前学习. Having my close friend compete with me was a memory I’ll never forget.” 

Both students and Curler were joined by 13 other first- and second-year 新肯辛顿 放射科学 students and Mary Ann McKeague, 该项目讲师兼临床协调员, 在上述会议上, 比赛及会议. The annual trip was made possible thanks to fundraising done by the students and a successful funding request presentation to the Student Activity Fee committee. 

Curler believes her students’ successful competition run also reflects the 新肯辛顿 program’s preparedness of each year’s cohorts. 

“I think it shows how well-prepared they are to take the certification exam,” explained Curler. “Our program is unique from other programs due to the fact that students start 临床旋转 第一学期的三个星期. The amount of clinical time really enhances their learning and reinforces what’s done in the classroom.” 

作为项目的一部分, 斯科特的主要临床地点是AHN Forbes医院, 二级创伤中心, where she gets to be part of different healthcare procedures such as spine x-rays and orthopedics. 西宾夕法尼亚医院一直是Selvaraj的诊所, where she said she has enjoyed completing tasks such as imaging in the NICU, as well as learning about the multitude of fluoroscopy procedures and imaging for women’s health. 

“Getting hands-on experience so early in my education has allowed me to build the confidence I need going into the workforce in a few months,塞尔瓦拉杰说.  

Both 斯科特 and Selvaraj agreed that the program’s preparation of students, along with the program’s 100% certification exam pass rate and job placement rate, 他们申请这个项目的原因是什么. 

“当时我正在寻找放射科学专业, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 stood out as one of the only Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiological Technology (JCERT) schools in Western 宾西法尼亚,塞尔瓦拉杰说. “I knew that joining this program would provide me with an excellent, comprehensive education that would be recognized across the United States.” 

斯科特 and Selvaraj will both complete the requirements for obtaining their associate of science in 放射科学 this summer and already have more future goals. 

“毕业后, my goal is to work as an x-ray technologist while I finish a bachelor’s degree,斯科特说。. “然后我希望能加入美国空军.” 

Selvaraj explained, “My goal is to hopefully take a full-time position as a radiologic technologist. I have a few offers already, and am looking forward to finding my perfect fit. I’d also like to circle back and contribute to the education of future 放射科学 students by planning to take on a leadership role as a clinical preceptor or instructor.” 

To learn more about 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校’s 放射科学 program, visit the 程序的网页. Those interested in visiting the campus or meeting with faculty are asked to contact the Office of 招生 at 724-334-5466 or (电子邮件保护).